Pesan Tiket Mudah Murah

Minggu, 29 September 2013

Endless Game

Always being rushed, you're about to break (Warning...) That's the moment when you get violent
Unable to sleep, you greet the morning In my head, there's a question Even if you block your ears, the voice will reach you
At this rate, will you really be happy with how you are now? (Warning...) Everything's becoming even more distorted
If you know the answer, then hold my hands Yeah We closed our eyes

I'm having a strange dream now
I have a bad feeling and though it's tiny, empty, and warped, but I can't stop it

Impossible things all around There's no choice but to confront them
Seeming like "a direct proportion" at first, these feelings were actually " inversely proportioned"
I don't understand a thing, but there's something I know I want to see
In our endless world, we play this game over and over again
Where will you go? If you wish for it, you can set off any time A "replay" that starts from zero
Heading to a desperate phase Even if we can never go back again

This and that, in other words, everything you do is careless (Warning...)
Before I knew it, I'd been swallowed whole Questions were pointlessly reflected inside my shell
Though you were this close to me already (Warning...) I pretended not to see you
If you don't want to know (Answer) No Then cling to it in your heart

Wandering aimlessly
We're being swayed by an impassive love

Let's throw away our sadness and face each other
It's not a lie or the truth
Everything's worthless, but I want to keep believing
My memory rewinds itself as the world becomes dim
What's on the other side? Let's open that door
A reset that connects to reality
We should continue towards the conclusion Even if we can't see an answer there

Just unable to tell anyone anything (Silence)
Only time continued to pass as I was in doubt Even then, go forward

Because it should always be there, it's something that's constant
The things we've lost and the things that are being born
Not everything in this world is difficult, right?
In your heart, you sighed endlessly

Let's throw away our sadness and face each other
It's not a lie or the truth
Everything's worthless, but I want to keep believing
My memory rewinds itself as the world becomes dim
What's on the other side? Let's open that door
A reset that connects to reality
We should continue towards the conclusion Even if we can't see an answer there

Senin, 02 September 2013


Come here, to a dimension never seen before
Knocking, hopping, popping, shocking Emotions fluttering around
You know? A solar system which produces light That's our spot light

Vanishing gravity, the motion of the moon's surface floating above Passing through all of the creations in space
I know, our ideal goal is Andromeda in a faraway galaxy

A sudden spark Get excited, people Look at the stars, they draw out the path they take
Thousands of lights are blessing this night

Dance in the starship in a party that won't end Go to Intergalactic, just like this
Everything in the world is romantic Dance! Intergalactic
Whoa It's because time is limited that it sparkles, right?
If you're enjoying a bouncy groove, it's cosmic Shine! Intergalactic

For tonight only, I'm in the cockpit Flying with the UFO
I slid into the seat next to you and over heat We're gonna have a party 
Feeling high, we're tumbling through the universe We'll go say hello to Earth again!

A passionate dream means we'll take off to a zone never experienced before Our capacity is infinite This will definitely be an adventure
In space This is our stage Everybody, move your body

An eternal spark, almost like a supernova In a warp at the speed of light, we can overcome space and time
Being led everywhere by a streamline of light

Ride on the starship, on a journey that won't stop Everyone, go to Intergalactic
Every meeting is fantastic Go forward! Intergalactic
Whoa We're attracted to each other Even if we're hundreds of millions of light years apart
Our feelings speed up It's cosmic Going to you Intergalactic

We can't see anything at the edge of the universe So we toast our drinks to the blue of Earth that was born
365 Revolving day and night It continues to turn, connecting everything together
In an end, there's a beginning Repeating it over and over, this is the universe

Dance in the starship in a party that won't end Go to Intergalactic, just like this
Everything in the world is romantic Dance! Intergalactic
Whoa It's because time is limited that it sparkles, right?
If you're enjoying a bouncy groove, it's cosmic Shine! Intergalactic

Credit : yarukizero

Senin, 26 Agustus 2013

Tanda Kebesaran Allah part 1 - Ayat Al-Quran di tubuh bayi Dagestan, Rusia, 2009

Assalamualaikum Wr Wb.

Salam sejahtera bagi kita semua. Saya pernah menemukan sebuah video di youtube yang menyajikan tentang 69 keajaiban islam (click here). Video tersebut berdurasi kurang lebih 5 jam. Sangat teringin untuk menyampaikan apa saja kebesaran Tuhan yang disampaikan dalam video tersebut, namun karna lamanya durasi bisa jadi tidak semua orang bisa menyaksikannya selama itu. Saya mencoba merangkumnya satu persatu untuk memperjelas dan semoga bisa dibaca sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing.

Ini adalah tanda kebesaran Tuhan yang pertama yaitu tentang munculnya ayat-ayat Al-Quran di tubuh bayi di Dagestan, Rusia pada tahun 2009.

Berikut berita yang saya kutip dari Republika.

"REPUBLIKA.CO.ID,  DAGESTAN -- Seorang bayi berusia sembilan bulan bernama Ali menjadi perhatian umat Islam di Republik Dagestan, Rusia.  Betapa tidak. Di bagian kaki sang bayi ajaib itu terdapat tulisan ayat Alquran.

Sejak kelahirannya, tanda lahir dalam bentuk tulisan Arab telah muncul di tubuh Ali. "Awalnya, ada hematoma di dagunya. Ketika memar itu meledak, kami melihat kata 'Allah'," ujar Madina Yakubova, ibu sang bayi ajaib itu.

Yang lebih menakjubkan, pada kaki sang bayi terdapat tulisan, ''Allah-lah pencipta seluruh alam semesta."Ketika lahir, Ali pertama kali didiagnosis menderita penyakit jantung dan kelumpuhan serebral infantil. Namun, saat diperiksa lagi Ali dinyatakan sehat. Fenomena itu menarik perhatian Muslim Dagestan. Setiap hari rumah Ali dikunjungi ratusan orang yang penasaran dengan Keagungan dan Kuasa Sang Khalik, Allah SWT."

Ini merupakan salah satu kebenaran dari Al-Quran. Bissmillahirahmanirahim..

"Inilah ciptaan Allah, maka perlihatkanlah olehmu kepadaku apa yang telah diiciptakan oleh sembahan-sembahan(mu) selain Allah. Sebenarnya orang-orang yang zalin itu berada di dalam kesesatan yang nyata." Q 31:11

"Kami akan memperlihatkan kepada mereka tanda-tanda (kekuasaan) Kami di segala wilayah bumi dan pada diri mereka sendiri, hingga jelas bagi mereka bahwa Al Quran itu adalah benar. Tiadakah cukup bahwa sesungguhnya Tuhanmu menjadi saksi atas segala sesuatu?" Q 41:53

Selasa, 25 Juni 2013

Fuyu ga Hajimaru yoooo

Hachi gatsu no kimi no tanjoubi
Hansode to nagasode no shatsu wo purezento shita no wa
Kotoshi no fuyu mo sore kara mo zutto Bokura ga
Isho ni sugoseru tame no Omajinai

Kami wo hodoite mitari Totsuzen naki dashitari
Waku waku suru you na Odoroki wo kakae nagara

Fuyu ga hajimaru yo Hora mata boku no soba de
Sugoku ureshisou ni Bi-ru wo nomu yokogao ga ii ne
Takusan no kimi wo Shitteru tsumori dakedo
Kore kara mo boku wo Yudan sasenai de

Isogashii futari no fuyuyasumi
Ryoute de sukoshi amaru kurai shika Nai kedo
Daijisou ni mune ni kakaeteru Ryokou zasshi to
Kimi no egao ga suteki nara Sore de ii yo

Kyonen no kurisumasu wa Ke-ki wo utteta kedo
Kotoshi no boku ni wa Kowai mono wa nanimo nai

Fuyu ga hajimaru yo Ookina mado wo akete
Hoshi wo nagameru toki wa Boku no se-ta- wo kashite ageru
Futari ga itsumademo Shiawase de iru tame ni 
Dou sureba ii ka Kangaete iru kara

Fuyu ga hajimaru yo Hora mata boku no soba de
Chiisana terebi no naka no Yuki ni hashagu yokogao ga ii ne 
Takusan no kimi wo Shitteru tsumori dakedo
Kore kara mo boku wo Yudan sasenai de

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013


急かされるままに壊れそうなんだ (Warning...) 暴れ出す瞬間
眠れず朝を迎える In my head (Question) この声は耳を塞いでも
このままで そのままでいいのか? (Warning...) 捻れてゆくんだ
もしも知っているのなら Hold my hands (Answer) Yeah 目を閉じた


あり得ない事ばかりさ 向かうしかないのさ
"正比例に見えて この想いは反比例"
分からない事ばかりさ でも見たいものがあるよ
"終わりなき世界 繰り返す play the game"
どこへ行けるの? 望めばいつでも ゼロから始まるリプレイ
一か八かのフェーズへ  二度と戻れなくても

つまりアレもコレもすべて (Warning...) おざなりなんだ
いつの間にか呑み込まれてた (Question) 殻の中虚しく映る
こんなにもすぐそばにいるのに (Warning...) 見ないフリしてんだ
もしも知りたくないなら in your heart (Answer) No まとわりつく

手応えのない愛情 揺さぶられている僕らは

悲しみを脱ぎ捨てて 向き合えばいいのさ
"嘘も本当も どちらでもないから"
くだらない事ばかりさ でも信じていたいよ
"薄れてく世界 巻き戻す memory"
何があるの? そのドアを開けよう リアルと繋がるリセット

何も告げることないまま (Silence) 時間だけは
不確かなまま過ぎて行く 進めよ それでも

いつもあるはずだから 変わらないものが
"なくしたものと 生まれ行くもの"
"君の心に 息づいた Endless"

悲しみを脱ぎ捨てて 向き合えばいいのさ
"嘘も本当も どちらでもないから"
くだらない事ばかりさ でも信じていたいよ
"薄れてく世界 巻き戻す memory"
何があるの? そのドアを開けよう リアルと繋がるリセット



